Sunday, May 17, 2020

Failure And Fraud Of Enron - 1161 Words

Introduction In society, there have always been differing characteristics such as failure and fraud that have been linked through time. However, although failure and fraud are connected in several various ways, one tends to come before the other. Generally failure is the absence of achieving success and fraud is committing an unlawful act that is driven by failure or to result in failure. Failure has driven fraud for countless reasons either for financial prosperity or personal supremacy. In many cases the direction of failure and fraud is mainly subjected to the individual’s personal objective. Conversely, there have been many situations in which corporations too big to fail have succumbed to failure and fraud due to a destructive corporate objective. In 2001, Enron, the seventh largest company in the U.S participated in fraudulent activity. The fraudulent activity committed by Enron was the beginning of an inevitable ripple of failure in the company’s future. Although Enron performed the major scandal, the auditing agency Arthur Andersen was highly responsible for their negligence and their participation in the deception of the financial investors. The general public didn t easily predict the downfall of Enron because it was one of the most thriving establishments in the corporate world. In many cases, companies as substantial as Enron are sometimes used as a measurement to gauge how the economy is preforming in the current market. The financial fraudShow MoreRelatedAffirmative Adaptation And Modernize Resulting From The Scandal1493 Words   |  6 PagesAffirmative Adaptation and modernize resulting from the scandal In today’s society the desolation of Enron has been one of the greatest disasters to hit a major United States corporation, nevertheless the actions of this deception let to Varity major future benefits. The effects of Enron without a doubt are primarily disadvantageous. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Debate Over Gun Control - 1522 Words

The debate over gun control in America continues to trouble politicians to this day. According to the constitution, the second amendment gives us the right to bear arms (U.S. Const.). Many different interpretations of what precisely the amendment means exist in this country. However, the two main sides include pro gun control and against gun control. In this paper, we will weigh the pros and cons of both sides and with any luck approach a conclusion on what side performs a superior job. People interpret gun control as the problem, but realistically gun control laws do not cause the issues, however the people that enforce said laws do. Scrutiny over gun control reached an all time high recently and addressing the scrutiny helps find the solution. The individuals that agree with gun control often base their argument on the statistics of gun related deaths in the country, often times they do not state whether or not these include intentional or accidental deaths. They also do not take into account whether or not that the deaths happen solely because of the guns. Guns cannot kill people, the people with guns kill people, but if they really wanted to kill someone not having a gun does not effect whether or not it happens (NRA). Inanimate objects do not ever kill anyone and guns classify as inanimate objects. According to statistics, out of 4.3 million non- lethal violent crimes a year only 8 % involved guns (U.S. Congress 4). Often activists for gun control call for stricterShow MoreRelatedThe Debate Over Gun Control1210 Words   |  5 Pagesnot be involved in gun control. The second amendment to the United state s constitution says A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Is this not enough can the bill of rights say this anymore clear. Many might state that the way this statement is worded is the point of debate and it should be interpreted differently. This is the root of all the hot debate over gun control. Does the constitutionRead MoreThe Debate Over The Gun Control892 Words   |  4 PagesOne of the most debated and talked about issues going on today concerns gun control. There are many different aspects being brought up with concern to gun control. One of the biggest this past year especially here in Texas is the issue of allow-ing conceal carry on college campuses. College campuses are usually gun free zones, but with so many shootings happening on campuses some want to be allowed to carry. A lot of people are for infringing upon a person’s constitutional right to life andRead MoreThe Debate Over Gun Control3031 Words   |  13 PagesOne major cause of heated debate in the United States is the contrasting stands on gun control. This one subject has a nation divided on a very serious topic that saves and takes lives. On the one hand, those for gun control argue a case against increasing gun violence in everyday life. Those that are against gun control argue that it is in an individual’s right to own and possess guns. It is a matter of liberty and a right to bear arms and a necessity of self-protection. The problem with bothRead MoreThe Debate Over Gun Control889 Words   |  4 Pagesschool gangs, physical attacks, and fatalities involved with guns. School shootings have been on the rise over the past several years. To bring awareness to school violence, teachers, staff, and parents need to be further trained in noticing warning signs of depression and anger issues which may lead to bullying and disrespectful learning environments for all parties. In addition to awareness within schools, the debate over gun control has been a topic discussed for many years in hopes to curb schoolRead MoreThe Debate Over Gun Control1156 Words   |  5 Pagesyou have kept up with all the controversy in the news, then it is surely fair to assume that you have an opinion over gun control. Gun control is a big deal because with so many people having them it can make individuals feel unsafe to leave their home or possibly even be in their homes. There is also the fear that individuals possess on the other end of the spectrum that if their guns are taken, how they will protect themselves from people whom wish to harm them. These questions and concerns riseRead MoreThe Debate Over Gun Control1732 Words   |  7 Pages The topic of gun control has become very popular in recent years as there is now more controversy than ever about the role that guns play in today’s world. I have come to be interested in this topic because it seems like not a day goes by anymore where there isn’t a newspaper published with an article slandering either the pro or anti gun control activists. Going into this topic, I was assuming that I would end up reading about a lot of school shootings and h ow it is just guns that are causingRead MoreThe Debate Over Gun Control939 Words   |  4 PagesGun Control Close your eyes and relax. Imagine that you are in a time of 236 years ago, and imagine that you are one of the few people that had the privilege of writing the country’s constitution. It would not take long until you get to the second amendment. This amendment reads â€Å"A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed† (Davis). This amendment has extreme importance, and should not beRead MoreThe Debate Over Gun Control925 Words   |  4 PagesGun Control is a hot debate topic, where people have been divided into two different viewpoints. The majority of states has supported their colleges to carry guns in case of a mass shootout. While the majority of liberal and democratic oppose carrying guns onto school property. Some states such as Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Wisconsin, and Mississippi has already passed the law to allowed students to carry c oncealed weapons on campuses to protect themselves from unwanted mass shootersRead MoreThe Debate Over Stricter Gun Control929 Words   |  4 Pages Gun Control in the United States The debate over stricter gun laws has been ongoing in the United States for quite some time now. Individuals who oppose stricter gun control laws argue that the second amendment to the constitution of the United States constitute part of the bill of rights that protect the right for American citizens to bear arms, and any attempt to set up laws for gun control will be a direct violation on this (Hofstadter 10). They argueRead MoreEssay about The Debate Over Gun Control1274 Words   |  6 Pages These people believe this because of the part of the Second Amendment that states, â€Å"The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.† People who are strong advocates against gun control use this part of the Second Amendment to drive their point across. Advocates against gun control believe that preserving the freedom of a state through a militia is not the only way it should be looked at, these people believe that the amendment also implies a clause that ta kes into account ones

Determinist Theories Samples for Students †

Question: Discuss about the Determinist Theories. Answer: Application of determinist theories The determinist theories applied within the context of an organization helps in bringing about the suitable changes within the organizational framework. The approach undertaken over here could be justified using different school of thoughts and accepted standards. It further consists of a number of theories such as resource dependency theory, institutional theory and population ecology. Thestrategic management focuses upon providing the company with a competitive advantage over others. The determinist theories on the other hand focus upon long term growth or evolution of the organization as a whole. There are three different theories covered under the determinist approaches such as the institutional, resource dependent and population ecology theories. As commented by Wollmann Steiner (2017), the institutional theory is particularly useful in conducting a research upon the changing market dynamics. The population ecology further helps in analysing the social, economic and political considerations, which further affects the work process of an organization. Resource dependency theory According to Drees and Heugens (2013), the resource dependency theory is an important component how the determinism principles that is applied within an organization. The purpose of this theory is to focus upon the external resources that have direct and indirect impact on the organizational performance. .Pfeffer and SALANCIK (2015), have added in this context that it is essential for an organizationmanagement to procure all necessary resources that can help to manage all type of critical situation. It is crucial to analyze the external environment, which is an essential step to determine and analyze the available resources. One of the most popular aspects of this theory is due to the fact that it allows one organization to depend upon available resources of other organization in the same business environment. In other word, it is possible to legally develop business partnership by sharing the available resources (Nienhser, 2017). Few of the important resources that are an essential part of all multinational corporations include capital, labor and raw material supply that is dependent upon the performance of the Logistic department. The option of business outsourcing process from third party agent is also possible in accordance with the principle of resource dependence theory. Hence, it is possible for legally independent business organization to depend upon other institutions for getting supply of better resources. Large scale multinational organization hiring workers from business Processing Unit is one of the popular example of the application of this theory. Nevertheless, as mentioned in the argument of Malatesta and Smith (2014), one of the major challenges in implication of resource based theory is due to the fact that in many cases large scale business organization can adopt unethical business policy to procure their own resources. This can be a highly challenging for small scale business organization. Moreover, as in most cases, organizations are dependent upon external agents for research supply; they are not able to implement independent organizational business strategy under all circumstances. Institutional theory The main aim of the institutional theory within an organization is to provide a complex overview of structure and functioning and operational management. There are certain legitimate elements that control the elements of institutional theory within an organization. According to Vayanos and Woolley (2013), there are certain critical conditions within an organization, which help to determine the importance of institutional theory, which can rapidly help to implement the radical ideas related to organizational structure. Keohane, and Martin (2014), have mentioned about the challenges associated with application of institutional theory due to the fact that organization have to assume and grant for certain objectives. It is believed that the social structure of a culture is reflected with in elements of the institutional theory. It thereby provides guideline to the management` about maintaining cultural diversity within an organization. According to MacCormick and Weinberger (2013), is one of the popularly widely except theoretical element that is dependent upon the isomorphism and legitimacy of a given situation within the society. It mainly emphasizes upon the legal aspect of the organizational structure. On the other hand, Wang et al., (2014), have argued about the fact that one of the main challenge of institutional theory is due to the fact that organization have to change their protocol depending upon changes in the economy and social structure of a community. This is mainly challenging for multinational corporations, which have to deal with business and social environment of different nation all across the globe. It is therefore highly essential for the multinational organization to have effective human resource policy to implement a perfect institutional theory depending upon social and economic circumstances. From the research work of Grob and Benn (2014), it is clear that if a multinational corporation is successfully able to tackle the diversity in the social structure in different places and market, it is possible for them to implement the principles of institutional theory that can help them to maintain a proper and unique organizational structure. Population ecology Theory The population ecology of organizational Ecology theory is a sub section of organizational theory that helps to determine the situation under which an organization is able to emerge, sustain and perish under certain situations. According to Allen and Starr (2017), the population Ecology theory analyses the level of integration within a society and that help them to accomplish organizational goal. The main aim of this theory is to focus upon the needs of individual stakeholder within an organization. Abbott et al., (2016), have mentioned that it is important to focus upon a particular type of population and collect various relevant data about their social and cultural aspect. This will be used exclusively for implementing organizational theory within the certain group of the population. It is also important to focus up on that changed within a society at various levels can help to affect the overall performance within an organization. The major implication of the social theory is to ensure sustainability within the business environment that can be employed in broader prospect under various critical conditions. From the findings of the research work of Allen and Starr (2017), it is clear that the elements of population Ecology theory are valuable aspect of business sustainability for new entrants. Hence, it is possible to deal with all types of uncertain and unsustainable organizational business environment. It is also important to mention that application of sustainability practice can improve the chance of surviving rate in the fast changing external business environment. However, as mentioned by Cross et al., (2015), one of the major challenges associated with the population Ecology theory is due to the complexity of the social structure that can harm the overall business environment. The complexities can also be a major challenge to the policy making body of an organization. Justification of the selected approach After consideration of both forms of theory in the forms of strategic and determinism, it is believed that, the latter is more effective in the context of dealing with organizational challenges. This is due to the fact that with determinism there are different kind of theories namely the resource dependence theory, institutional and population Ecology theory under the deterministic theory that can help to effectively manage all types of organizational issues especially the one related to that of the human resource department. With the help of these theories that have been mentioned under the paradigm of determinism, it is possible to analyse all circumstances related to that of the issues that are encountered within an organization. For the manager of an organization it is more helpful to focus upon resource related issues while implementing organizational strategy. With the help of strategic development theory, it may not be possible to focus upon any particular issue encountered du ring the time of policy making that will ultimately compromise upon the level of organizational performance. Organizational theories are highly dependent upon the external business environment and demand of the society. With the help of theories under the determinism, it is possible to identify the need of the society by collecting relevant marketing data. In spite of the several challenges that have been mentioned in the previous section about each of the determinism theories, it is possible to overcome to deal with the ultimate challenges related to that of the business issues and organizational conflict. This is mainly possible by improving the level of cultural diversity that is major part of the population ecology theory. By the elements of the resource dependency theory, it is possible to ensure that no resource are being wasted and increase the chance of revenue loss. Conclusion The current study focuses upon the aspect of paradigm wars within the context of an organization and the role played by the same in bringing forth evolution within the business context. In this context, a number of approaches have been discussed which plays crucial role in deciding upon the suitable organizational action. The two such contradictory views have been discussed over here which includes strategic choice and determinist theory. The strategic choices are mainly focussed upon evidence based decision making and planning. This helps in identification of the problem situation and provides the organization with a competitive advantage. On the other hand, the determinist theory helps in the long term growth of the organization by focussing upon the different marketing challenges and sustainable measures which could be implemented of the long term growth. References Abbott, K. W., Green, J. F., Keohane, R. O. (2016). Organizational ecology and institutional change in global governance. International Organization, 70(2), 247-277. Aguinis, H., Edwards, J. R., Bradley, K. J. (2017). Improving our understanding of moderation and mediation in strategic management research.Organizational Research Methods,20(4), 665-685. Allen, T. F., Starr, T. B. (2017). Hierarchy: perspectives for ecological complexity. University of Chicago Press. Boxenbaum, E. (2014). Toward a situated stance in organizational institutionalism: Contributions from French pragmatist sociology theory.Journal of Management Inquiry,23(3), 319-323. Cross, W. F., Hood, J. M., Benstead, J. P., Huryn, A. D., Nelson, D. (2015). 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